Estimate as closely as possible the percentages of the total electric bill usage for each category.
NOTE The sum must equal 100%
Air Conditioning
Number of Electric Meters
Average Total Monthly Electric Bill
(total paid on all meters, prior 12 months)
Average kWH Used Per Month
(total on all meters, prior 12 months)
Existing Power Factor Correction (select one) Main Only, 0% to 50% at the load, 50% to 100% @the load
Number of Distribution Segments (select one) 1 to 3, 4 to 6, or 7 or more segments
Average Wire Distance from Meter to load (select one) 0 to 100, 100 to 500, 500ft or more
Hours of Operation
Average oHours of Operation per Week (hours per week)
Average AC Weeks per Year (weeks per year)
Average AC Hours of Operation per Week (hours per week)
Equipment up to 600 Volts
Total HP all Equipment Loads up to 600 Volts (horse power)
Quantity of Equipment (500 – 99 HP)
Quantity of Equipment (1000 – 4999 HP)
Synchronous Motors
Total HP of all Synchronous Motors (horse power)
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