Our latest creation is chocolates in the form of various cryptocurrencies. Fun right?

Types of Crypto-chocolates

Modeled to appear as they are in cyberspace. They include:

  • Bitcoin
  • CBDC
  • Infinity
  • More to be added (i.e. Ethereum, Dogecoin, etc)


The chocolates come in three kinds of dark chocolate:

  • Conventional sugar sweetened
  • GMO free
  • Sugarless


The process for creating the chocolates is by way of melting the chocolates from various stores (i.e. Stop n Shop, BJ, Micheals) and wrapping them by manually in a clean environment. The models, or stamps, were either purchased or created by way of a three part process (CAD, 3D printer, pour mold) that is subject to change.

Nutrition Facts

This presentation provides the nutrition facts for the various chocolates offered.

Buy online

Rather buy online than at the farmers market then click here <UNDER CONSTRUCTION>